Today FREE Android Game of the 24-hour interval is iFighter 2: The Pacific 1942. For to a greater extent than FREE APPS or FREE GAMES, visit: What is this game about? iFighter is an arcade vertical shoot-em-all type of game. If you ever play 1942 or 1945 game, thence it's the same genre, except iFighter has ameliorate effects inward improver to graphics. Gameplay inward improver to Objectives Start the game past times choosing 1 of the available planes (only mensurate 1 available during get-go play), select every bit good the wingman planes. Choose the airplane difficulties: easy, normal, hard or survival. The game itself is mission based. Each mission testament conduct boss plane/ship to alive defeated. The objectives are simple: concord upwardly the missions inward improver to collect stars to buy ameliorate jet planes. You conduct v continues to alive used. The Control Like all 1942 - 1945 games, navigate the aeroplane past times tap in...